1740s everyday middlin class, British Isles

100% hand sewn by Rebecca Olds of Timesmith Dress History

Consisting of: jacket in red Harris Tweed, blue and white striped linen petticoat

Underpinnings: linen shift, fully boned back-lacing linen stays, "hip improver" bum pad, wool under-petticoat

Accessories: linen cap with red silk ribbon trim


Hat: HatsPeriod
Mitts & apron: PennyRiverCostumes
Shoes: Sarah Juniper
Shoe buckles: Foxblade Trading and Re-enactment Shoes
Stockings: Fashions Revisited
Chatelaine: Sheldon Pewter

Photos: Barbara Olds
Location: Isle of Skye, Scotland


1770s English - Thistle Gown