Highland Threads: It’s all about collaboration.
Fourteen museums located across the Highlands, from Castlehill Heritage Centre on the north Caithness coast to Glencoe in the southern Highlands, are working together with Museums and Heritage Highland to co-curate a new online exhibition.
EXHIBITION OPENS 1st April 2021 here: https://highlandthreads.co.uk/ [The closing date for the exhibition has not yet been determined so don’t hold us to the 31 December 2021 date that’s been generated here by the website editor!]
Two of the participating Highland museums consulted Rebecca for assistance with the interpretation of two 18th century gowns displayed in this exhibition. Each has its own special story to tell, connecting women in two very different parts of the Scottish Highlands with global networks of textiles and trades.
The Exhibition programme includes a 90-minute talk by Rebecca, in conversation with the curators of Historylinks Dornoch and the Glencoe Folk Museum, about what we know so far about the histories of both gowns and exploring avenues to research further. You can watch this presentation below:
For more information and behind-the-scenes details, visit Museum and Heritage Highland’s blog: https://museumsandheritagehighland.org.uk/category/blog Just search for hashtag #highlandthreads

Photos: Jim Dunn